- Submit only your abstract for applying conference.
- Use the form for related conference page under submission button for submitting your paper. Or send your abstract with the names of authors, jel codes, institutions of the authors and countries directly to submission@mirdec.com
- The abstract must have minimum of 100 words up to max.250.. It should be placed only into the field “Abstract” in the submission form.
- Approximately 3-10 key words (words or phrases) suitable for indexing and on-line search purposes should be supplied. Keywords field should contain all the essential words or phrases of the title and of the abstract.
- If you want to publish your paper in proceedings, you should send us your full paper version into the deadline that mentiones in the related conference web links. (on the left menues of each conference page).

You can use powerpoint or acrobat reader for presentations. Presentations should not exceed 15 minutes. Discussions of the sessions take place after the end of related sessions. Mirdec provides laptop and projector so it is enough that bringing your presentation file into the flashdisk. And also you can send your presentation to us by e-mail 2-3 days before the conference dates.

Conference Proceedings, MIRDEC
- Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity of publishing their associated papers in the official conference proceeding.
- Proceedings will be published online on our website www.mirdec.com electronically in pdf format.
- All papers/abstracts presented at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings(with ISBN).
- Mirdec publishes 2 books for each conference:
* Conference proceedings: Book of Abstracts (with ISBN, e-book, on our web)
* Conference proceedings: Full paper series; both e-book and paper publication with ISBN.
​- Conference proceedings of each conference will be published into the 30-60 days after the conference dates. ( There will be possible delays(10-15) related with the collection of full papers, revisions, corrections and editing process).
Exact publication dates are announced on the web links of each conference pages.
- Proceeding process should be followed carefully and deadlines should be obeyed by the participants of conference proceedings.
- All the submitted papers in the proceedings have been reviewed/edited by the reviewers/editors drawn from the scientific committee, editorial and advisory board depending on the topic, title and the subject matter of the paper.
NOTE All references must be written in APA.
Use single spacing , Times New Roman 11, A4 with 2.5 cm edges.
All text in the article is aligned and starts from left side, do not press tab on each paragraph start!

MIRDEC Conference Hotels are announced in the related conference's web page under the location/venue menu on the left side. MIRDEC always works with Hotel that are well-knows and with high quality standards.
All MIRDEC conferences have at least one social program such as: bus tour, boat tour, traditional dance shows, folk shows, concerts, closing breakfats, etc.
Social programs try to reflect the traditions of the host countries.

Conference sessions and other conference events are open only to registered participant
It is not possible to pay the registration fee after the conference.
MIRDEC conference fees can differ according to the location/country of conference.
It completely depends on the conditions of countries.
MIRDEC provides discounted fees for its members and students(PhD, master, undergraduate).
In addition, MIRDEC provides early registration discounts for all subscribers.
The fee includes:
Admission to the conference, one paper to be presented, publication of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings with ISBN, lunch, all coffee breaks, social program.
Fees are non-refundable.
Fees can be paid by bank transfer or through western union and transferwise.

MIRDEC does not provide accommodation opportunity for our participants. But MIRDEC principally tries to help participants for accommodation. You can have information about Hotels at the conference countries from our officers.
For assistance please write: info@mirdec.com