MIRDEC-15th, International Academic Conference
Economics, Business, Globalization and Social Science Studies
(Global Meeting of Social Science Community)
27-29 November 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Aram Belhadj
University of Carthage(FSEGN), Tunisia
Dr. Aram Belhadj: from University of Carthega, Tunisia:
Dr. Aram Belhadj is an assistant professor in the university of Carthage (FSEG Nabeul), Tunisia. He got his PhD from the university of Orleans France. He is an author of many articles and notes that were published in international peer reviewed journals. He is working on economic and monetary integration issues on developing and emerging economies. Additionally, he has served as consultant for several think-tanks and international organizations.
Some publications:
• Monetary Transmission Mechanisms in MENA: The case of Bank Lending channel» (with Dr. Samouel Beji), Pennsylvania Economic Review, 2019
• The determining factors of Industrialization: Empirical evidence for Africa? (With Dr Samouel Béji), European Scientific Journal, Special Issue, April 2016;
• “Business cycles in the Maghreb: Does trade matter?” (With Pr. Jude Eggoh), Journal of Economic Integration, 30 (3), September 2015
• “Heterogeneity of the Maghreb: The results of optimized monetary rules” Global Business & Management Research: An International Journal, Vol 1, N°3&4, December 2009, P1-24;
• «Toward Maghreb Monetary Unification: what does the theory and history tell us?" (With Dr Nabil Jedlane & Dr Chrysost Bangaké), Savings & Development, supplementary issue, 2007, pp. 7-37;
Professor Marta M. Machuca
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya,Barcelona, Spain
Professor Marta Mas Machuca, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Science, Universitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain : some selected works:
* Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Llach, J., 2017, "UnivQual: a holistic scale to assess student perceptions of service quality at universities", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
* Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, F., 2017, "Is research mediating the relationship between teaching experience and student satisfaction?", Studies in Higher Education, in press
* Benedito, E.; Corominas, A.; MARTINEZ, C.; Mas-Machuca, M., 2016, "Single-site strategic capacity planning considering renewal, maintenance, inventory, taxes and cash flow management", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 7, 970-981
* Bastons, Miquel; Mas-Machuca, M.; Rey, C., 2016, "Pro-stakeholders Motivation: uncovering a new source of motivation for business companies", Journal of management and organization, Published Online, 1-22
* Fonseca Pires, J.; Rey, C.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Bastons, Miquel, 2016, "Management by missions in the healthcare sector", Revista de calidad asistencial, 31, 239-242
* Malbašić, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M., 2016, "Is it Worth Having Focused Values?", Management Decision, 54, 2370-2392
* Mas-Machuca, M., 2016, "The effect of joint design on cognitive ability and performance. A model proposal based on balanced incomplete blocks", Innovar, 26, 73-90
* Mas-Machuca, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; ALEGRE, INÉS, 2016, "Work-life balance and its relationship with organizational pride and job satisfaction", Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31, 586-602
* Benedito, E.; Corominas, A.; Martinez-Costa, C.; Mas-Machuca, M., 2016, "Single-site strategic capacity planning considering renewal, maintenance, inventory, taxes and cash-flow management", Journal of the Operational Research Society
* Huertas, R.; Consolacion, C.; Mas-Machuca, M., 2016, "How a sustainable message affects brand attributes?", Industrial Management & Data System, (in press)
* ALEGRE, INÉS; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Mas-Machuca, M., 2016, "Antecedents of employee job satisfaction: Do they matter?", Journal of business research, 69, 1390-1395
* Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Rey, C., 2016, "Assessing the internalization of the mission", Industrial Management & Data System, 116, 170-187
* Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic, 2016, "Antecedents of online purchasing behaviour in the tourism sector", Industrial Management & Data System, 116, 87-102
* Martínez-Costa, C.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Olivella, J., 2015, "Staffing policies of leading consulting firms. A case studies approach", Universia Business Review, 152-189
Prof. Frederic Marimon
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya,Barcelona, Spain
Professor Frederic Marimon, Universitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain: some selected works:
*BASTIDA-VIALCANET, RAMON; Marimon, Frederic; Carreras, L., 2018, "Human resource management practices and employee job satisfaction in nonprofit organizations", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 89, 323-338.
* Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina, 2018, "Fulfilment of expectations on students perceived quality in the Catalan higher education system", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, in press.
*Gheshmi, R.; Zarco-Jasso, Hugo; Marimon, Frederic, 2018, "Complexity as an Antecedent for External collaboration in new product development project", Industrial Engineering & Management Systems.
*Melão, N.; Amorim, M.; Marimon, Frederic; ALEGRE, INÉS, 2018, "Quality management systems in European social service organizations: A survey of EQUASS Assurance pioneer adopters", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35, 354-372.
*Malbašić, I.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic, 2018, "Through the decreased values gap to increased organizational effectiveness: The mediating role of organizational commitment", Journal of human values, 24, 1-15.
*Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Llach, J., 2018, "UnivQual: a holistic scale to assess student perceptions of service quality at universities", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, in press.
*BASTIDA-VIALCANET, RAMON; Marimon, Frederic; Carreras, Ll., 2017, "An empirical analysis of the effects of human resource management practices on job satisfaction in non-profit organizations", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.
*Melão, N.; BASTIDA-VIALCANET, RAMON; Marimon, Frederic, 2017, "Assessing a quality model for the social sector: an empirical study of the EQUASS model", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence.
*Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M., 2017, "Reasons to Adopt ISO 50001 Energy Management System", Sustainability, 9, 1740-1754.
*GUERRERO, M.; Monforte-Royo, C.; TOMÁS SÁBADO, J; Marimon, Frederic; PORTA, J.; Balaguer, Albert, 2017, "Meaning in life as a mediator between physical impairment and the wish to hasten death in patients with advanced cancer", Journal of pain and symptom management, 54, 826-834.
*CAVALLOTTI, RITA; Grau-Grau, M.; Marimon, Frederic; GAS AIXENDRI, M., 2017, "Design and validation of a measurement scale of intergenerational family solidarity", TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, Vol. 24, 107-125.
*Marimon, Frederic; Cristóbal-Fransi, E.; Hernández Soriano, F., 2017, "Critical factors in the evaluation of online media: creation and implementation of a measurement scale (e-SQ-Media)", Universal Access in the Information Society, 16, 235-246.
*Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J.; Bernardo, M.; Casadesus, M., 2017, "Analysis of training programs related to Quality Management System: the Spanish case", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 34, 216-230.
*Marimon, Frederic; Gil-Doménech, Dolors; BASTIDA-VIALCANET, RAMON, 2017, "Fulfilment of expectations mediating quality and satisfaction: The case of hospital service", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, in-press.
*Llach, J.; Bagur, L.; Perramon, J.; Marimon, Frederic, 2017, "Creating value through the Balanced Scorecard: How does it work?", Management decision, 55, 2181-2199.use of generic analytic tools", WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 8, 13-14.
For the full list of publication: