MIRDEC - Masters International Research & Development Center and GLOBECOS - Global Community of Social Science
Mutual Online/Virtual 5th International Academic Conference
Economics, Business and Contemporary Issues in Social Science
29-30 November 2021, Istanbul, Turkey
Submission deadline: Registration deadline: Early registration deadline:
29 October 2021 29 October 2021 17 September 2021

Prof. Mohammad Kabir Hassan KEYNOTE SPEAKER
The University of New Orleans, United States of America
Professor Dr. M Kabir Hassan is Professor of Finance in the Department of Economics and Finance in the University of New Orleans. He currently holds three endowed Chairs-Hibernia Professor of Economics and Finance, Hancock Whitney Chair Professor in Business, and Bank One Professor in Business- in the University of New Orleans. Professor Hassan is the winner of the 2016 Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Prize in Islamic Banking and Finance. Professor Hassan received his BA in Economics and Mathematics from Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota, USA, and M.A. in Economics and Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA respectively. Dr. Hassan stood first in combined merit list in the Secondary School Certificate (SSC, equivalent to O level) in 1978 from Comilla Zilla School, Comilla, Bangladesh in 1978 and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC, equivalent to A level) in 1980 from Comilla Victoria Government College, Comilla, Bangladesh in 1980, respectively.

Chief Economist, Middle East and North Africa, World Bank Group
Roberta Gatti is the Chief Economist of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region of the World Bank. In that role, she oversees analytical work to support the Bank’s operations and economic surveillance in countries in the region. In her previous capacity of Chief Economist for the Human Development practice group, she co-led the conceptualization and release of the World Bank Human Capital Index and oversaw the Service Delivery Indicators data initiative. Roberta joined the World Bank in 1998 as a Young Professional in the Macro unit of the Development Research Group. She has since led analytical agendas on growth, firm productivity, gender, social inclusion and labor markets, including as the Global Lead for Labor policies. She has also managed teams and lending portfolios in both the MENA and the Europe and Central Asia regions.
Roberta’s research is published in top field journals such as the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Economic Growth, and the Journal of Development Economics. Roberta is also the author of numerous flagship reports, including Jobs for Shared Prosperity: Time for Action in the Middle East and North Africa; Being Fair, Faring Better: Promoting Equality of Opportunity for Marginalized Roma; The Human Capital Project; and The Human Capital Index 2020 Update: Human Capital in the Time of COVID-19.
Roberta holds a B.A. from Università Bocconi and a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University. She has taught at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities.

Middle East Institute, United States of America
Robert R. Bianchi is a political scientist, an international lawyer, and an authority on the Islamic world and China. He earned his doctorate and law degrees at the University of Chicago where he later joined the faculties of the Political Science Department and the Law School. He has also held professorships at the University of Pennsylvania, the American University in Cairo, Qatar University, the Johns-Hopkins Nanjing Center, the National University of Singapore, and the Shanghai International Studies University. He founded new graduate programs for International Political Economy in Egypt and for International Law in China. In Singapore, he helped launch a research institute for Middle East studies and, in Chicago, he taught the Law School’s first courses on international law dealing with the contemporary Islamic world and China. As a practicing attorney and political consultant, he has advised the World Bank, numerous U.S. government agencies, and several foreign governments. Bianchi is a former Peace Corps volunteer, a three-time Fulbright grantee, and a recipient of the Albert Hourani Book Prize for Guests of God: Pilgrimage and Politics in the Islamic World (Oxford University Press, 2004). His most recent book is China and the Islamic World: How the New Silk Road is Transforming Global Politics (Oxford University Press, 2019). His other books include Islamic Globalization: Pilgrimage, Capitalism, Democracy, and Diplomacy (World Scientific Publishers, 2013), Unruly Corporatism: Associational Life in Twentieth-Century Egypt (Oxford University Press, 1989), and Interest Groups and Political Development in Turkey (Princeton University Press, 1984). Several of Bianchi’s books and essays have been published in foreign languages including Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Turkish, and French.

Conference Topics
With the special session on: Globalization, Islamic economics & finance, Middle East
Multidisciplinary & independent studies
* Accounting
* Arts
* Business&Enterprise
* Culture, Heritage and Art
* Demography and Population
* Economics
* Environment
* European Union
* Education
* Entrepreneurship
* Finance
* Food, Gastronomy and Tourism
* Health, Safety and Security
* International Business
* Language
* Management
* Marketing
* Philology and Language Studies
* Social Business
* Social Sciences
* Tourism
* Teaching
Globalization Studies:
* Framework of globalization
* History of globalization
* Economic globalization
* Cultural globalization
* Political globalization
* Globalization and
international law
* Globalization and arts
* Globalization and conflicts
* Globalization and new world order
* Sustainable growth and
* Globalization and
climate change
* Human rights and globalization
* Migration
* Global institutions
* National boundaries
* Globalization and internet
* Globalization and sports
* Globalization and free trade
Islamic Economics, Banking, Finance:
* Digital Transformation and
Islamic Economics
* Halal Economy
* Development and Islamic Economics
* Growth and Islamic Economics
* Islamic Social Finance and
Poverty Alleviation
* Islamic Financial Development
* Risk Sharing Economy
* Islamic Entrepreneurship, MSMEs,
and Startups in Digital Economy
* Islamic Economics and Sustainability
* Green Economy, Circular Economy, Business
* Islamic Banking
* Institutions and Islamic Economics
* Behavioral economics and
Islamic economics
* Income distribution and
Islamic Economics
* Public economics and
Islamic Economics
* Tax Issues in Islamic Economics
* Interdisciplinary Studies on Islamic Economics
Contemporary Issues in Social Science:
* Global warming
* Global public goods
* Tax competititon
* E-commerce
* Taxation of e-commerce
* Poverty and inequality
* International co-operation
* Global financial crisis
* Basel criterias for Banking system
* Bologna process on education
* Cultural integration - migration
* Tourism
* Mass-tourism and protection of cultural heritages
* Regional politics-economics
* Factor mobility
* Industry 4.0
* X, Y, Z Generations
* Internet
* Social media
* Global conflicts
European Union Studies:
* EU crisis, monetary union, enlargement process of EU
* Tax harmonization in EU, fighting tax competition in EU
* EU energy policy, competitivenes
* EU social policy, Fighting unemployment, income distribution
* EU migration, understanding migrants and asylum in European Union, European migrant crisis,
* Refugee crisis, social reflections of Syria crisis to EU area
* Cooperation for improving EU, Brexit, future projections, EU relations with third party countries
* EU environment policy and resource efficiency, Climate change and EU
* Integration, culture etc.